Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
Our mission is to proclaim that God so loved the world, the whole world, that God sent Jesus into the world to bring Life to the world, Life in this life, and Life in the world to come. Our mission is to proclaim the gospel in word and in action: bringing unconditional blessing and healing to the world.
Our mission is to be inclusive.
Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel to our own community and to communities that are not familiar, or close at hand.
Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel through Word and Sacrament and Service.
Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel through preaching, through the sharing of the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion, and through living the Gospel in acts of servant-hood.
Our mission depends on the action of God’s Spirit.
Our mission is not to Grow or Succeed. Our mission is to sow the seed, to preach the Word, to share the sacraments, to love the world. The Spirit of God chooses to work in ways we cannot predict or control to bring God’s own harvest, God’s own result, in God’s own time. Our mission is to sow the seed and to trust the Spirit.
(an interpretation of the Saskatchewan Synod Constitution: Article IV)
What we believe
The Evangelical Declaration was adopted by our church in 1997 as a”theology of mission.” The Declaration states what “we believe, teach and confess,” and speaks of the mission to which “we commit ourselves as church.” The statement resides on our national website.