For each of the last three weeks, I have worked with the pastoral team to connect by video conference with about 70 of our pastors/deacons in active calls and contracts. I have been so impressed with the way the roster has supported each other in dealing with this so strange world we are facing. I have also been so impressed with our roster stepping up in their faith communities to minister in this time: both our congregational pastors reinventing worship and pastoral care in the parishes and our chaplains working at personal risk, in our ministries. Keep them in your love and prayers as this COVID crisis continues.
Each year, I normally lead a series of Holy Week services at one of our synod congregations. This year, with the physical distancing requirement, I put together a series of Youtube presentations with music and visuals and made them available to the synod through Synod news and Facebook. I have taken down the Holy Week videos today to respect educational use copyright requirements.
We are hearing in the news cautious optimism from our Health authorities. Hopefully that trend will continue. Stay safe.
Bishop Sid