We hold to the Reformation principle of the “priesthood of all believers.” We hold that the church is the present day body of Christ sent to mediate the Gospel into a hurting, hungry world. The church acts as the priesthood of all believers as a community working together, and as individuals sent into our own particular callings: as parent, neighbour, teacher, tradesperson, etc.
This church, to carry out this mission, is always in need of leaders to proclaim the gospel in community, and to lead and mentor the people of faith to be followers of Jesus together and individually. In our church, key leaders are our rostered leaders: pastors and diaconal ministers. Being called to this rostered ministry involves a personal conviction, a personal discernment of call. It also involves the affirmation of this personal call by the church as a community.
If the Spirit seems to be calling you to consider rostered ministry, call your pastor or call the synod office for a conversation.
The Candidacy manual is available on the ELCIC website.