When congregations and church-related organizations in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) set out in search of a rostered minister, the ELCIC provides direction and guidance in the form of a structured call process. The ELCIC directs each synod to develop a process appropriate to its context.
Saskatchewan Synod call process
Saskatchewan Synod council developed the Saskatchewan Synod call process, basing the work on national and synodical constitutional articles and administrative bylaws, and interpreting these basic policies for the congregations and organizations of the Saskatchewan Synod.
Saskatchewan Synod congregations and synodical ministries are governed by this call process. There are three basic parts to the Call process:
- Part A is the responsibility of congregational council,
- Part B is the responsibility of the call committee,
- Part C is the responsibility of the congregational council and the congregation.
Call process manual
The call process manual first provides an introductory section outlining the overall shape of the entire process and a summary of the guiding principles of the Call process; then provides a step by step guide to the three parts of the Call process.
While the guiding principles apply in all synod situations, the specific steps of the call process manual generally assume a congregation calling a solo rostered leader. Congregations calling a rostered leader to a team ministry; church related organizations calling a rostered leader into chaplaincy and a variety of other unique situations may require discussing an adaptation of specific steps with the bishop.
Overview and guiding principles for the call process
An outline of key guiding principles to keep in mind throughout the three parts of the call process.
Part A: Congregational council prepares for the call process
When the rostered leader resigns, or whenever the congregation sets out to seek a rostered leader the Congregational council initiates the call process in consultation with the bishop.
Part B: Call committee selects a primary candidate
The congregational call committee, in consultation with the bishop, engages in the search for a primary candidate to present to the congregation.
Part C: Congregation calls a rostered leader
The congregation, in consultation with the bishop’s office, calls a rostered leader.