Resources for learning and inspiration

Daily Devotions

Photo by David Solheim

Eternity for Today

Eternity for Today has long been a daily devotional resource of the ELCIC.  The devotions are available on the ELCIC website at

The website also includes information about the new app for the devotions.

 God Pause

You may also consider an online resource available through Luther Seminary, St Paul, Minnesota.  Their “God Pause” devotions are short, meaningful reflections on the following Sunday’s lessons. You can view or subscribe to the devotions at

Seasonal Resources

Advent Devotions

Former Saskatchewan Synod Bishop Telmor Sartison offered to the synod the following resource for Advent Devotions. Advent Devotions by Bishop Telmor Sartison

A Lenten Series: Making Peace with the Land: God’s Call to Reconcile with Creation.

Fred Bahnson, a farmer and theologian, and Norman Wirzba, professor of theology and ecology at Duke Divinity School, have written a book that can be the basis for a Lenten Series, a series in Adult Forums, a book club, young adult group, student group, etc.: Making Peace with the Land: God’s Call to Reconcile with Creation (Intervarsity Press, 2012). It is available in print, or as an eBook complete with a study guide. They have also provided Sask Synod with a pdf copy for use in our faith communities (Lenten Study 2015 – PDF 40 pages) .

Brita Park from Faith and Society in the B.C. Synod of the ELCIC, has prepared a Lenten study guide: highlighting the key biblical texts, summarizing key points of each chapter, and suggesting questions and actions for the groups.  She has also given recommended Hymns and Prayers. The study guide will be on the B.C. synod webpage as a pdf file, and possibly on other synod webpages as well. It can also be found at If you have difficulty finding the study guide, contact me at [email protected] Dittmar Mundel, Augustana Campus, University of Alberta

Reformation Challenge: Unity in Diversity by Rev. Dr. Gordon Jensen

Dr. Jensen’s presentations at the North and South Regional Gatherings, Fall 2016 can be read online at the following link: Reformation Challenges Unity in Diversity


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