Author Archives: Anna-Marie Skogsrud

Fall Lutheran Anglican Gathering 2024

Fall Lutheran Anglican Gathering September 29 – October 1, 2024* Temple Gardens, Moose Jaw, SK   EVANGELISM AND DICIPLESHIP Keynote Speaker: The Most Rev. and the Rt Hon. the Lord Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell Stephen Cottrell SCP is the Archbishop of York and Primate of England; the second-most senior bishop of the Church of England and the most senior in northern England. He previously served as Bishop of Reading, 2004–2010, and as Bishop of Chelmsford, 2010–2020. Author of more than 20 books including children’s Continue reading →

Fall Lutheran Anglican Leadership Gathering, Sept. 26-28, 2023

The Fall Lutheran Anglican Gathering will be held September 26th through 28th, 2023 at Temple Gardens and Spa, Moose Jaw, SK. We are excited to announce that we will be having two guest speakers this year from our companion Synod in Argentina,  Mercedes L. García Bachmann and Wilma Rommel.       Rev. Dr. Bachmann has a PhD in Old Testament from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC). She taught for almost twenty years at the ecumenical school of theology in Buenos Aires Continue reading →

Synod Guidelines – October 2022

We have had a number of calls at synod office on what the current synod advice might be on the current state of the pandemic. I am thankful that Pastor Ali has provided the following message to share with our faith communities: The current state of the pandemic with effective vaccines and widespread vaccination has allowed a new normal to increasingly emerge where physical distancing and face masks have become more and more optional. Measures such as hand sanitizing continue to be effective in reducing Continue reading →

Interfaith Statement on Suicide Prevention

Interfaith Statement on Suicide Prevention Saskatchewan, September 10, 2020 Life is a sacred gift. Across all religious and theological distinctions, a shared understanding that the Creator has given us the precious gift of life establishes a global ethic that connects all people of faith. Our response to the divine gift of life compels us to work for the preservation of life in all its wonder, beauty, and diversity. We share a collective responsibility to care for those who are struggling, to offer hope and support, Continue reading →

Year-end letter from Bishop Sid Haugen

Grace to you and Peace, As you gather this winter for your annual meeting, with the various reports from rostered leaders, council, treasurer and committees in front of you, let me share just a few words from our synod. A word about the work of our Synod Synod council developed a strategic plan in 2014 for its work with our 115 congregations and various church related ministries. The focus of the strategic plan is, “Strengthening Faith Communities for Service.” The three main work areas for Continue reading →

ELCIC Women of Faith Fund

ELCIC Women of Faith Fund The ELCIC Women of Faith Fund provides annual grants that encourage and facilitate the Christ-centered ministry of women within the ELCIC and In Mission for Others. This fund was established in 2011 in recognition of the “significant contribution of the women of the Evangelical Lutheran Women (ELW) of the ELCIC. The fund came from the monies remaining after the dissolution of the ELW.  Individuals or groups may make additional donations to the fund. Grants from the ELCIC Women of Faith Continue reading →

Three Burly Angels

  Years ago, too many years ago, I was driving a borrowed Volkswagen Beetle from Camrose, Alberta to my parents’ home in Kelowna, B.C.  I was driving with my girlfriend (still my girlfriend actually—after nearly 40 years of marriage) and a good friend of both of us. In the early evening, just outside of Enderby, the little VW veered and I heard an ugly “thump, thump, thump.” Flat tire. I had just enough VW sense to go to the front of the car and look Continue reading →

‘Peanuts Butter’ Sandwiches

The Bible camp I went to as a child always had a verse printed in spruce branches across the front of the chapel: “WE WOULD” on the left side of the sanctuary, “SEE JESUS” on the right side. I recall gazing at these letters when the community gathered to worship. As I recall, sometimes one line of a W had fallen off the securing nail or perhaps a playful squirrel had been at work. But the message, perfectly formed or not, still made its mark. Continue reading →


  It was really something. It was quite fascinating, a bit radical (perhaps) and it’s something that I’m  still wondering about. Let me tell you the story. I was invited to preach the Word and preside at communion at the Sunday morning service for a  men’s  retreat at Camp Kinasao. I prepared the sermon, anticipating a fairly unified group of ELCIC  Lutherans  gathering to worship and learn and be together. It did not work out quite as I expected. Let me set the scene. There Continue reading →