Fall Lutheran Anglican Gathering 2024

Fall Lutheran Anglican Gathering September 29 – October 1, 2024* Temple Gardens, Moose Jaw, SK   EVANGELISM AND DICIPLESHIP Keynote Speaker: The Most Rev. and the Rt Hon. the Lord Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell Stephen Cottrell SCP is the Archbishop of York and Primate of England; the second-most senior bishop of the Church of England and the most senior in northern England. He previously served as Bishop of Reading, 2004–2010, and as Bishop of Chelmsford, 2010–2020. Author of more than 20 books including children’s Continue reading →

Fall Lutheran Anglican Leadership Gathering, Sept. 26-28, 2023

The Fall Lutheran Anglican Gathering will be held September 26th through 28th, 2023 at Temple Gardens and Spa, Moose Jaw, SK. We are excited to announce that we will be having two guest speakers this year from our companion Synod in Argentina,  Mercedes L. García Bachmann and Wilma Rommel.       Rev. Dr. Bachmann has a PhD in Old Testament from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC). She taught for almost twenty years at the ecumenical school of theology in Buenos Aires Continue reading →

Leadership Conference 2022 – “A Digital World and the Life of the Church”

We were fortunate to be once again holding the leadership gathering jointly with leaders of the Anglican tradition, September 27-29, 2022, at Temple Gardens in Moose Jaw. Our guest speaker:   Jamie Howison  is a priest of the Anglican Church of Canada and the founding pastoral leader of saint benedict’s table in Winnipeg. A graduate of the University of Winnipeg (B.A.) and of Trinity College, Toronto (M.Div), he was ordained a deacon in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land in 1987, and a priest in 1988. Since then Continue reading →

Leadership Conference 2021

The 2021 leadership conference was held Sept 28-29 at Temple Gardens, Moose Jaw. The Keynote speaker Karoline M. Lewis, Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, provided sessions on “John: The Gospel We Need for Today’s World”. Due to COVID-19, Rev. Dr. Lewis  provided her presentations virtually and the gathering included both in-person and virtual participants. For the first time we were also delighted to have many of our Anglican clergy partners  join us either in person or virtually.

Leadership Conference 2019

The 2019 Leadership Conference was held Sept 24 – 26 at Temple Gardens, Moose Jaw, SK. The Keynote Speaker Rev. Dr. Kristine Rufatto, Associate Professor of Old Testament, LTS, Saskatoon led Sessoms on “Yet Will I Sing: The Psalms as Guide to Spiritual Life”.

Leadership Conference 2018

The 2018 Leadership Conference was held September 25 to 25 the  at Temple Gardens, Moose Jaw, SK The Keynote speaker Rev. Dr. William Harrison, President LTS, Saskatoon, SK led sessions focusing on “Re-visioning Evangelism”. The event included: Communion Service at Central Lutheran Church, Moose Jaw.

Leadership Conference 2017

The 2017 Leadership Conference was held September 26 to 28 the  at the Bella Vista Inn, Humboldt, SK. The Keynote speaker Dirk Lange, Associate Professor of Worship at Luther Seminary, led Sessions focusing on “Enriching our Worship Life” The event included: Communion Service at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, supper and worship at St. Peter’s Abbey in Munster, Peer Presentations and a Tour of St. Peter’s Cathedral and Abbey.

Leadership Conference 2016

September 20-22 the Leadership conference was held at Manitou Springs Hotel, Manitou, SK. The Keynote speaker David Goa led Sessions focusing on “A Conversations of Engaging Difference: Discerning Gifts and Needs Leadership on and across Boundaries” Session 1: Our Responsibility to Muslims in a Time Shaped by Terror: Why and How Session 2: The Co-Dependent Twins: A “Christian” Response to the Conservative – Liberal Divide Session 3: Spiritual Friendship: Our Capacity to Engage Difference

Leadership Conference 2015

September 22 to 24 rostered leaders gathered at Manitou Springs Hotel, Manitou Beach, Sask for a time of worship, study and rejuvenation. The weather was perfect for being in such a beautiful setting. Our time together was marked by song and prayer, moments of quiet reflection and jovial laughter. Sessions were led by Dr. Craig Van Gelder. We focused on who we have been as a Lutheran church in Canada and how we can dream of moving forward to bring the message of Christ not only into our congregations and Continue reading →