We were fortunate to be once again holding the leadership gathering jointly with leaders of the Anglican tradition, September 27-29, 2022, at Temple Gardens in Moose Jaw.
Our guest speaker:
Jamie Howison
is a priest of the Anglican Church of Canada and the founding pastoral leader of saint benedict’s table in Winnipeg. A graduate of the University of Winnipeg (B.A.) and of Trinity College, Toronto (M.Div), he was ordained a deacon in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land in 1987, and a priest in 1988. Since then he has remained in his home diocese, ministering in parish contexts—including serving as pastor for the first fully amalgamated Anglican/Lutheran congregation in Canada—as well as in campus and institutional chaplaincy. A member of the Primate’s Theological Commission of the Anglican Church of Canada from 2004 to 2010, he has also been a short-term resident scholar at the Collegeville Institute in 2009, 2011, 2014, and 2016, the Contemplative Theologian-in-Residence in the chapel community of the University of King’s College (Halifax), and was named a Burke Library Scholar-in–Residence at New York’s Union Theological Seminary for the winter of 2011. (from his website)
NEW: Schedule here.