ELCIC Women of Faith Fund
The ELCIC Women of Faith Fund provides annual grants that encourage and facilitate the Christ-centered ministry of women within the ELCIC and In Mission for Others.
This fund was established in 2011 in recognition of the “significant contribution of the women of the Evangelical Lutheran Women (ELW) of the ELCIC.
The fund came from the monies remaining after the dissolution of the ELW. Individuals or groups may make additional donations to the fund.
Grants from the ELCIC Women of Faith Fund will be available on an annual basis. The deadline for applications is May 01. Applicants will submit their proposals to the Women of Faith Fund Advisory Committee which is appointed by the National Church Council.
Twenty-five (25) projects were approved in 2017 ($44,480 distributed).
Application forms can be downloaded at http://elcic.ca/Womens-Desk/FaithFund.cfm
Some examples of approved funds in previous years include:
Prayer Shawl Ministry, SK – $1500 Happy Hearts Quilters, SK – $2,000 Mustard Seed Family Support BC – $9,800 Lutheran Women’s Retreat SK – $1,500 If You Plant A Seed Eastern – $5,000 Peer Partner Program ABT – $3,000
Other examples of approved funds can be found on the above noted website.